[PL] Wzywamy pana Smitha
twórcy: polscy emigranci w UK - Franciszka i Stefan Themerson.
Filmik 8 min 27 sec z 1943 roku - wtedy (podobno) o holokauście wiedziało niewiele osób (oprócz hitlerowców).
[EN] Calling Mr Smith
info from youtube: "Calling Mr Smith" ("Wzywamy Pana Smitha") is a classic Anti-Fascist film made by in the UK by the experimental film-makers and Polish emigrés Franciszka and Stefan Themerson. This film was made in 1943, before many people even knew about the concentration camps. "Calling Mr Smith" is taken from the DVD "The Films of Franciszka and Stefan Themerson" ("Filmy Franciszki i Stefana Themersonów") published by The Lux and The Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw. Fascism is on the rise again in Poland and in the UK now. In the UK in 1993 the BNP gained their 1st ever local councillor, now the BNP have 100 councillors. The BNP may get their 1st MP in the next general election, how long before they have 100 MPs? When Hitler joined the Nazi Party his membership card was number 8 - only 7 other people were in the Nazi Party before Hitler joined, and look what happened next! The moral of this story is that Fascist groups are NEVER too small to be worth opposing. Apologies to the publishers and the Themerson Estate for posting this on You Tube, but the film is made available here both as a serious Anti-Fascist statement and as a free advert for the DVD, which features 2 other films and comes with an 85 page book...
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